Where does self destructive behavior come from?

It usually involves a variety of physical symptoms as well. Self-destructive behavior is any behavior that is harmful or potentially harmful to the person participating in the behavior. Self-destructive behavior is any deliberate action that has a negative impact on the mind or body. It can occur in many forms, and sufferers are often unaware of how much harm their self-destructive behavior is causing to themselves or others.

Emotional dysregulation is often a driving force behind self-destructive behaviors. It can result from brain injury, early childhood trauma such as neglect and abuse, or a variety of psychiatric disorders and mental illnesses. There are many reasons why someone can be self-destructive. Emotionally and psychologically, self-destructive tendencies can arise from childhood trauma, negative social conditioning, and low self-esteem that results from having abusive or unsupportive peers.

On a spiritual level, self-destructive tendencies are due to the loss of the soul or a disconnection from your authentic essence. Although studies have been conducted that confirm that self-destructive behavior is part of certain disorders, there is no solid evidence that self-destructive behavior exists in people without underlying dysfunction or psychological diagnoses. The question of what causes self-destructive behavior is infinitely complex because of how broad a category of self-destructive behavior is. Upcoming publications will provide further explanations consistent with research on why you may find certain behaviors that seem impossible to resist, and will discuss methods that can help you overcome these behaviors and move toward a life that feels more satisfying.

Self-destructive behavior reinforces itself and can easily turn into a “death spiral,” where subsequent self-disregard leads to more self-destructive behavior.