How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Behavior

Self-sabotage is a destructive pattern of behavior that can prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. It can manifest in many forms, from choosing fights with friends or partners to overeating, getting drunk, abusing substances, and self-harm. Self-sabotage is often rooted in a lack of faith in oneself and can be conscious or unconscious. It's important to recognize the signs of self-sabotage and take steps to overcome it.

Recognizing self-sabotage behavior can be difficult, as it often manifests in subtle ways. Examples include choosing to leave when things don't go well, dating people who aren't right for you, and blaming others when things go wrong. Self-sabotage can also lead to chronic struggles with food, liquor, drugs, gambling, and self-harm. This destructive behavior can strip people of their motivation and make them feel anxious. Self-sabotage is when we actively or passively take steps to prevent us from achieving our goals.

This behavior can affect almost every aspect of our lives, whether it's a relationship, a professional goal, or a personal goal such as weight loss. Anything you do excessively to avoid unpleasant feelings is a sign that you are self-sabotaging. Although it's very common, it's an incredibly frustrating cycle of behavior that reduces our self-confidence and leaves us stagnant. There are many reasons why someone may choose self-sabotaging behavior, but many stem from a lack of faith in oneself. Judy Ho, author of Stop Self-Sabotage (201), describes self-sabotage as a biological response, once necessary for survival. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors include postponement, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-harm such as cutting.

These deep-seated thoughts and feelings provoke negative self-talk, fueling your fears and self-sabotaging behaviors. It's essential that you overcome your self-sabotaging behaviors if you want to make the most of your life and career. Practicing gratitude will help increase your happiness and satisfaction, and limit the number of self-sabotaging behaviors you engage in. Consider talking to a therapist or life coach if you have difficulty overcoming your fear and self-sabotaging behavior. Self-sabotage is not an inherent part of your character; therefore, it is possible to replace self-sabotage with personal advancement. Whatever your form of self-sabotage, you can overcome behaviors that prevent you from achieving your goals in life.